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Win My Award!
So ya want to win an award? Well, here's your chance!
E-mail me at digililly04@yahoo.com and
Gabumon and I will check it out. If Gabumon
thinks your site is cool, then he'll personally
award you with his award of an outstanding site!
Or you can choose to ask Sora for her
award of excellence; it's up to you. The only
rules are that you have to link back to me.
Wouldn't mind if ya signed the guestbook either!
And Gabumon doesn't like sites with hentai!
Make sure that in your e-mail,
you put "Digi Award" in the subject line,
include your name, URL, and website name,
and why you think you deserve this award.
And please specify which award you want -
Gabumon's or Sora's.
Simple, ne? *_~