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Leaving already? ::sniffs:: All that work! Nah, I'm kidding. Have fun! ^^
All That Is Ishida
What can I say? This is my fav site...I just luv Matt!
Jason's Digimon Website You want sounds? Go here!
Yama*chan's Place
And yet another Matt shrine! (Is this guy popular or what?) Then again, who couldn't resist those blue eyes...
Gotsuko and Krillball: Two sisters' love of anime combined Gotsuko, finally you updated your 'lil site! Well, here's my friends little romp in the fanfiction world...and it features some of my fanart too! Dragonball Z stuff included!
Digimon Star
Matt & Sora Shrine Do Matt and Sora make a good couple? Hmmm...find out here!
A very new site, it's still under constuction. Although it's still in the making, you might want to check it out.
Taigurl's Digiworld *NEW* A new site, this belongs to one of my friends. Very original, this site features lots of opinions, ideas, and more! Be sure to check out the couples section!
Digipedia *NEW* Although this site's not completed yet, it's very detailed and informative. Once it's done, it'll be the best Digi reference yet!
Koani's Digimon Art *NEW* Wow! The fanart here is amazing! Ya might wanna check this out if you're in the mood to see really good pics.
Other Links
Here are some other sites that I think are pretty cool!
Neopets.com is a really great site for virtual pets! And it's much better than the real thing; I totally recommend it!
Spirit of Panama - This site belongs to a friend of mine, it's about his school and the kids in it.