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The Fanart Gallery
Hiya peoples! I finally got the fanart section up! Yay! Only problem is that I only have my fanart. So if you have any pics of your own that you wouldn't mind me putting up, you can send them to me at digililly04@yahoo.com. For now, have fun! ^_^
Digi Lilly's Fanart
Angemon [74 KB]
Angemon, ready to attack!
Angewomon [53 KB]
Just a simple pic of this angel digimon.
"Havin' Fun" [76 KB]
A pic of Matt, Gabumon, T.K., and Patamon
Matt [103 KB]
A little collage of Matt pics that I drew myself.
Matt (again!) [108 KB]
And yet another collection of Matts! (Gee, I wonder who my fav is...)^_^
Gabumon [113 KB]
Well...why not just draw the guy, but draw his digimon? This drawing features a whole bunch of Gabumons plus his other digivolutions.
Weregarurumon [50 KB]
Actually, you can find this pic on the ultimate trading card. But it looked so awesome, so I thought I'd make my own little momento of it...
Princess DigiKitty's Fanart
Princess Digimon02[54 KB]
A pic of Mimi in a cool princess outfit.
Mimi [32 KB]
Another Mimi pic, this time in her regular clothes.
Julia's Fanart
Afternoon Memories[711 KB]
Thiago's Fanart
Angemon[115 KB]
A shot at the most powerful champion digimon.
Ikkakumon [91 KB]
Gomamon digivolves to...this cool digimon!
Wargreymon [175 KB]
This is a really awesome portrait of Wargreymon. Check this out!
Chris's Fanart
Sora[209 KB] *NEW*
A portrait of one of the female digidestined, made by one of her loving fans!