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You Know You're Obsessed With Digimon When...

So...are you obsessed or what? Here's just a little something I wrote up. Some of them apply to me, but most of them are just for fun. Enjoy! ^_^

Your whole day revolves around when the next episode of Digimon is coming on.

You yell at the travel agent for not knowing where the digiworld is. You practice singing on a daily basis in case you ever find a big sleeping red blob named Shogungekomon.

You're afriad of the garbage can because you think it might suck you in or throw sludge at you.

You believe that trees can talk.

You capture a beetle, feed it tons of food, then wait at the tape recorder every day for it to yell "Electro Shocker!"

You buy a pet dog and expect it to turn into a cat at the first sign of danger.

You convince your friends to buy you five packs of Digimon cards for your birthday instead of the latest CD.

You bought a pet dog, painted blue stripes on it, stuck a horn on it's head, and named it Gabumon.

You've taped every episode.

You've taped every episode twice.

Every time you're happy, you jump up and start singing the "Hey Digimon!" champion song.

You wonder why everyone's staring at you until you realize that you've been humming the tune to the Digimon theme song out loud.

Every day you prey that some hot guy/girl named Matt, Tai, Izzy, Sora, etc., will walk into your classroom.
You chase after any guy/girl that looks like Matt, Tai, Izzy, Sora, etc.

You've made up you own religion in where you prey to a god named Angemon.

Your whole wardrobe consists of clothes that look like the ones the digidestined wear or that have digimon on them.

"Prodigious!" is part of your daily vocabulary.

You have site about Digimon and update it almost every day.

For Halloween, you dress up as Bakemon.

Every time your watch beeps you go, "It's the Digidestined! They're near!"

The most popular guy/girl asks you out on a date, and you say no because you're holding out for someone named Matt, Tai Sora, Izzy, T.K., Kari, Joe, or Mimi.

You've legally changed your anme to Taichi Kamiya, Yamato Ishida, Sora Takenouchi, etc. You go to summer camp every year thinking that it'll snow.

You're afraid of taking baths because it might turn into some kind of vortex and suck you in.

Your papers and belongings are all covered with drawings of Digimon.

You bought a pet cat, stuck gloves on her paws, and named her Gatomon.

You need a fire so you yell "Pepper Breath!" thinking that flames will shoot out of your mouth.

For summer vacation, you're planning on travelling to the digital world.

You become hysterical when you get to the airport and realize that they have no flights to the digital world.

You cried 3 days straight when the digidestined had to go home and leave their digimon behind.

Your friends call your room the Digimon Haven because the walls and floors are covered with posters, toys, and cards of Digimon.

In school the thesis of your essay is "I believe that the digiworld exists".

You make your digimon action figures battle each other.

You're constantly quoting lines from the Digimon show in daily conversation.

You've organized a group of six friends and yourself and are about to go in search for the 8th member.

The desktop of your computer has something to do with Digimon.

When your aunt gives you one hundred buc ks for you birthday, you break down crying, saying "I told you I wanted the Digimon battle card game!"

You're constantly daydreaming about Digimon in class then get in trouble for not paying attention.

You read something called "You Know You're Obsessed With Digimon When..."

You wrote something called "You Know You're Obsessed With Digimon When..."


These ones are written by Son Gotsuko!

~Digimon charcters are appearing in your dreams

~You won't go out with anyone unless their name is Sora/Joe/Tai/Matt/T.K./Mimi/Kari/Izzy

~You won't marry anyone unless their name is Sora/Joe/Tai/Matt/T.K./Mimi/Kari/Izzy

~You had to re-do your last essay because your english teacher didn't like the topic; "I believe Digimon is the most factual anime in exsistence."

~Your english teacher didn't like the last one either; "I believe Yamato's birthday should be made a national holiday."

~You learn Japanese just so if you ever meet Yamato/Tai,you can talk to them in their native language


Thanks Julia for submitting these in!

*You are proud of being one fourth Japanese

*You try to learn Japanese just so you can read the Digimon websites in Japanese

*You brag to your friends that your Dad has been to Japan 5 times and took three years of classes learning the language (like they care!)

*You are horrified when you find out the closest store carries only Pokemon

*You see a little kid in the mall wearing a Digimon shirt and you try to buy it off him

*You could have sworn the person next to you said something about Palmon

*You cry if you miss and ep. new or old

*You are positive you are distantly related to Sora, and you would be best-friends

*You don't like Dragon Balls Z because you think those two (or three?) dudes are trying to copy Tai and Matt in every way from actions to hair--and being unsucessful


Thanks Kryhea for submitting these in!

1. You look "Prodigious" up in the dictionary.

2. You find "Prodigious" in the dictionary.

3. The dictionary you found "Prodigious" in just so happens to be the dictionary you wrote yourself!


Thanks Kryhea's friend for submitting these in!

1.You're jealous of Angewomon for stealing Angemon on you.

2. When the waitress at your favourite restaurant asks for a tip,you say "Do you want that in Digi-Dollars or American money ma'am?

3. You search for Tyrannomon fossils in the Grand Canyon.

4. You come home very much ticked off because you didn't find any Tyrannomon fossils in the Grand Canyon.

5. You try to carve Myotismon's face into Mt. Rushmore.


Thanks Machinedramon91 for sending this in!

You paint your self orange get on stilts say your meramon and throw paper wads of orange paper at people saying ROARING FLAME.


Thanks MagnaAngemon23 for sending these in!

1. You buy a digivice and a pig and name your pig Tokomon and tie the digivice around the pig hoping it will digivolove.

2. You buy a pink bird and name it Biyomon.

3. You hope that your guardian angel is Angemon or Angewomon.


Thanks for sending these in!

1. You buy a cactus and name it Togemon.

2. You sing the digimon theme song in your sleep.

3. For the school talent show you dress up as Mimi/Tai and perform 'I'm gonna sing a song'.

4.You recite Gatomon's life story as loudly as you can in the middle of the playground.

5. Your teacher asks you to name an event that happened in 1999 and you say "8 kids in Japan were transported to Digiworld.

6. When ever you get a sum correct in maths you shout 'Prodigious!'.

7. You buy every digimon magazine you see.

8. You buy every digimon toy you see.

9. You go out and buy a pair of goggles/pink cowboy hat and won't take them off.

10. You decide that you want to go out and learn to play Soccer professionally like Tai .


Thanks to everyone who sent these in!

1. You endlessly hope that your one true love Yamato Ishida.

2. You endlessly hope that all the digidestined will become your bestfriends once you move to Japan.

3. You believe that the two kids that moved in down the street are Kari and Tai or Matt and TK.

4. All that you talk about is somehow Digimon related, even if the person who started the conversation think that Digimon is a total take off of Pokemon. Then you spend more than half the conversation trying to convince the kid that Digimon is better, and once your done they agree with you completely.

5. You have watched all the episodes 50 times and you can say every line perfect.

6. You and your bestfriends change your names to Tai, Matt, Sora etc.

7.You kick a cat hopeing it will attack you with a lighting punch.

8.You call the kid in school that thinks he is a hot shot Etemon.

9.You call the school bully Myotismon.

10.When you go fishing you hope you will catch a Divermon.

11.When you see fire and you run around in circles and jump up and down because you think there is an Agumon near by.


You can submit your own ideas by e-mailing me at Have fun! *_~



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Disclaimer:I do not own Digimon. It's © by Fox Kids, Bandai, Saban and Toei Animations. This is only a fanpage dedicated to Digimon. The Digi Realm is © copyrighted 2000 by Lilly04.