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Digimon 02

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Digimon 02

Digimon 02 takes place three years after the digidestined have defeated Apocalymon. Tai, Sora, and Matt are 14 years old. Joe is 16, and Izzy and Mimi, who now lives on the east coast of America, are both 13. They’re not featured much in the second series, though. But T.K. and Kari, both 11 years old now, are two of the main characters. There are then three more chosen children who become the digidestined. These are: Daisuke Motomiya, (a.k.a. Davis) 12 years old; Miyako Inoue, (a.k.a. Yolei) at age 13; and Iori Hida, Veemon, Miyako has Hawkmon, and Iori has Armadimon. The original group of digidestined were chosen because they all saw the fight between Greymon and Parrotmon 4 years ago at Highton View Terrace. The new digidestined were chosen because of different reasons. Daisuke also saw the battle between Greymon and Parrotmon. Miyako had seen the fight between the digidestined and the evil digimon through her computer, ass seen in the second Digimon movie. Iori was one of the many children that was brought before Myotismon who, at the time, was in search for the eighth child.
The plot? Well, apparently there is now an evil digidestined – Satoru Ichijouji. In the English dub, he is called Ken. He is 11 years old, and lives with his parents back in the real world. The reason that the children must go back to the digiworld is that there is now an evil digidestined; Satoru Ichijouji, who is 11 years old and lives with his parents back in the real world. In the digital world, he is known as The Digimon Kaizer, (or The Digimon Emperor in the dub) and is trying to use the digital world as a way to take over the real world. His evil digimon is called Wormmon.
But since three years have past, the process of digivolving has been lost. For example, when Agumon tried to digivolve to Greymon in a battle, he was unable to because it had been such a long time. So now, we have a new tool to use for digivolving – armour. The armour is similar to the tags and crests in the first series, but it also allows the digimon to digivolve into different digimon. Instead of Patamon just digivolving to Angemon, he’d have the choice to digivolve to Pegasmon if he wanted. This is the same for Gatomon, who can now digivolve to either Angewomon or Nefertimon.


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