Digimon: Buimon
Full Name: Daisuke Motomiya
Grade: 5th
Age: 11
School: Odaiba Elementary
Digimon: Chikomon, Chibimon, Buimon, Freidramon, Raidramon
Armor: Courage and Friendship
Japanese Voice Actor: Kiuchi Reiko
American Voice Actor: ??
Daisuke is the leader of the digidestined in Digimon02. Idolizing Tai, he also plays on the same soccer team as him. Daisuke used to wear these square goggles just like Tai’s round ones, but after Tai realizes that Dai is one of the new digidestined, he gives him his old goggles. Daisuke also has a crush on Kari and is a bit jealous of her close friendship with T.K. He’s a bit moody, but a dependable friend. Dai lives with his mother, father, and sister. His older sister, Jun, is in 11th grade and is a huge fan of Matt.