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Author: "Gomamon2000"
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Digimon: DigiMaster

Episode Six: (Not So) Tinymon
LAST TIME: Izzy: "Kevin and I hacked into DigiMaster's main computer system and started downloading information on where to find the fire key. Unfortunately, we weren't completely finished when a whole army of DigiMaster's Sentimon showed up and started attacking. Our digimon were able to hold them off until Kevin finished getting the information we needed, but our escape route had been blocked. Tentomon digivolved to Kabuterimon and was able to fly us all to safety. Now we have to go to New York City and get the fire key from the Statue of Liberty."
"Izzy, we'd better land somewhere soon. It's getting dark, and we need our sleep," said Kabuterimon. "Besides, we're sitting ducks flying out here in the open."

"Good point," said Izzy, looking around. "Uh, there's a good spot. You can put us down there." They landed in a clearing near a small forest, and Kabuterimon de-digivolved to Tentomon. "Okay, we should probably find someplace to sleep for tonight." Izzy turned to Kevin. "Is there anywhere safe nearby where we could stay?"

"Unfortunately, no. All the hotels and similar lodgings have been secured by the evil digimon. We're going to have to rough it tonight, but in the morning I think I can get us some supplies for future nights so it won't be so bad."

"You mean I'm going to have to sleep on the ground?" whined Mimi. "I thought my days of roughing it were over."

"I'm sorry, Mimi, but with all the evil digimon around, we can't risk going into town. And unless you know of a hotel in the middle of the forest, I'm afraid we're stuck."

The group gathered together whatever they could to make bedding and figured out who'd keep watch during the night. Agumon and Tentomon volunteered to take the first watch, Gabumon and Palmon the second, and Gatomon and Biyomon the third. That settled, everyone laid down and fell quickly asleep, since they were so tired.


"You imbeciles!" shouted the DigiMaster at the Sentimon who weren't destroyed in the attack on Kevin's lab. "How could you let them get away? You had them surrounded!"

"But, DigiMaster, sir," said one of them, cowering, "the humans with Kevin had other digimon helping them. One of them even digivolved on command!"

"What? That's impossible! Give me a FULL report on the attack, NOW!"

Shaking, the Sentimon stated, "We moved into position as ordered, and approached the laboratory. We were about to open fire when a group of eight humans and eight digimon came running outside. They blocked our attacks and hit us with some of their own. I called for backup--"

"Wait! What were these digimon helping the humans?"

"They were an Agumon, Gabumon, Biyomon, Tentomon, Gomamon, Palmon, Patamon, and a Gatomon."

The DigiMaster considered this for a moment, then nodded. "Continue."

"When the backups arrived, we were able to get closer to the lab. We had the other digimon and humans cornered when Kevin came running out of the lab, shouting something. Then, the Tentomon digivolved to Kabuterimon, and they all climbed on it and flew away, destroying most of us as they did."

DigiMaster grumbled, "I see. You are dismissed." The Sentimon quickly left his throne room. *These new digimon and humans must be linked somehow. They wouldn't show up at the same time if they weren't. I must learn more.* He pressed a button on the arm of his throne and said, "Start a planet-wide search for nine humans and eight digimon, seven Rookie-level and one Champion-level, traveling together. If they are found they are to be destroyed. And get Compumon on the line."

"Aye, sir," came the response. After a short delay, Compumon responded.

"I want you to go to Kevin Mann's lab and pull everything you can out of his computers. I want to know who these humans are and why they have digimon with them."

"Got it! I'm on my way there, now." DigiMaster watched on one of his displays as Compumon made his way to the transport room. Since the actual portal to the DigiWorld was sealed, the DigiMaster had come up with a transporter that would send someone to the real world or bring them back. And since it was only controlled from his side of the portal, no one in the real world could use it.

"Watch your back, fools," the DigiMaster said to himself, snickering. "You may have escaped once, but you won't escape again!" With that, he leaned back and laughed an evil laugh that echoed throughout the DigiWorld.


As it turned out, they didn't need anyone to keep watch, because nothing happened the entire night. With everyone well rested and, after some fishing at a nearby lake by Gomamon, well fed, they set off.

"There's a town up ahead. I'll stop in there and get some supplies. You guys wait here."

"No, we'll go with you!" said Tai. "What if you get attacked or something?"

"Hold on, Tai, he's right." Joe took his glasses off and cleaned them on his shirt. "If we all go into town as a group, we'll surely be spotted. The Sentimon that survived yesterday's fight probably told the DigiMaster what to look for, and he'll have all his evil digimon out looking for us. The safest thing is to send Kevin in alone, where he won't be noticed."

"Joe's right, Tai. I appreciate you wanting to help, but now's not the time." Kevin smiled. "Besides, I'll be back before you know it." He turned and left the forest, heading into town. After a short search, he found a store with the things he needed. He put blankets and medicine and some food into two bookbags he found in a different part of the store, and then set out to meet back up with his friends.

Suddenly, he felt a giant hand close around him, lifting him high into the air. He cried out in fear and pain as the hand closed tighter and tighter around him. Then, just as suddenly as it had closed, the hand opened again, dropping him several feet to the ground. Thankful that he could breathe again, Kevin looked around. There, not far away, were Tai and Agumon.

"Let him have another one, Agumon!" yelled Tai.

Agumon nodded and shouted, "Pepper Breath!" The monster fell back another few steps and roared. Now Kevin could see it clearly. It was Tinymon, though how it got that name was a mystery. It was a huge Champion-level digimon known for its really short temper. Although it was a amazingly stupid creature, it was just as amazingly strong.

"Colossal Crusher!" yelled the evil digimon, swinging its fists down towards Tai and Agumon.

"Look out!" Kevin yelled. Tai and Agumon rolled in opposite directions, just barely avoiding getting flattened. "He's a Champion- level, so be careful."

"Don't worry about it, Kevin," said Agumon. "I've got it under control. Agumon digivolve to...GREYMON!"

"Yeah, Greymon, go get him!" shouted Tai.

"Nova Blast!" The blast hit Tinymon right in the stomach, and he went down hard.

"We should probably get back to the others," Kevin said as he came over to Tai. "Tinymon will be down for a long time, and there's no sense wasting energy deleting him right now. Oh, and thanks for checking up on me. I owe you one."

"No problem," answered Tai. "Come on, Greymon!" Greymon de-digivolved to Agumon and the three rejoined the others.
---End of episode six---
What other trials lie in store for our heroes? Will the information Compumon finds in Kevin's computers mean the undoing of the DigiDestined? Find out next time on "Digimon: DigiMaster"!



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