Author's Note: This takes place before the DigiDestined beat Venomyotismon. Actually, it's after, but you'll figure that out when you read the story...
The Past Awakens Chapter 2
Tai sat up and yawned. "Gee, Izzy, don't you think it's a little early for playing on your computer? It's 5 am!" "I'm not playing, I'm merely trying to find out what Myotismon is up to," Izzy replied. "Besides, it's a great time for using computers!" "You'd say that no matter what time it is," said Tai. "Anyway, that's enough talk about computers for me. I'm going back to sleep." As Tai lied down, his digivice began to beep. "What's this?" "Hey, let me see that!" Izzy cried and grabbed the digivice out of Tai's hand. "Apparantly, someone else is here in Digiworld," Izzy stated. "A human, I mean." "Cool, let's check it out!" "Can you guys keep it down? They're people trying to sleep, you know," Matt said grouchily from behind them. "Sorry Matt, but we've discovered that another human life form has arrived here in Digiworld," Izzy informed him. "Why don't we all go see who it is?" "Maybe he'll be giving away clothes!" Mimi said out of nowhere, all excited. "I do feel really grouchy in this outfit. I need something new." "Great, let's go," Tai said impatiently. "Hey Agumon, wake up!" "Good night," replied Agumon. "Agumon! Come on, we need you!" "Alright, alright. I'm awake," Agumon said sleepily as he stretched his arms. "Where are we going?" "To find someone," said Tai. "Hey, some of you other digimon wake up too. Let's go! Wake up!" Tentomon, Gabumon and Palmon slowly joined the rest of the group. "Okay!" said Tai. "Let's go!" "What about the others?" asked Matt. "Let them sleep!" cried Tai. "Don't any of you guys want to go? We've been here 10 minutes getting you guys to wake up. Come on!" "What's wrong with him?" Gabumon whispered. "You know Tai. He's a little weird," Matt told him.
"Tai, are you sure we're going the right way?" Mimi asked. "We've been going nowhere for so long. My feet are starting to hurt and it's really hot here." "Aw, come on Mimi. I'm sure we'll be there soon," said Palmon. "How can you say that? No one knows where we're going!" Tai quickened his pace ahead of everybody. "Don't worry, we'll be there soon!" "He's said that 15 times so far," Matt whispered to Gabumon. "I don't think he has any idea where we're going." "I do too!" Tai said, overhearing. "We just have to go… uh, a few steps that way!" Izzy took the digivice from Tai's hand. "You must mean that way," he said, pointing in the opposite direction. "Uh...yeah, that's it! Come on everybody! We're almost there!" Tai cried confidently. Tentomon flew up above the trees and scanned the area. "I see something! This way, everybody!" Following Tentomon, the group soon reached a small opening in the woods. "At least he knows where he's going," Matt said. "Hey!" cried Tai. "Stop it you two," Izzy said. "We've got better things to talk about. Like, let's say, what's that big door doing over there with that picture of digivice carved into it?" "What is that? Gosh, I wouldn't want a door that dull a brown!" Mimi said. "Hey, there's a girl lying there!" They rushed over the lifeless girl laying beside the door. Her face looked drained and weak, and she was lying helpless on the ground. "Oh no! We've got to help her!" said Tai. "How? It looks like someone drained her energy away!" Matt said. "Well, we should at least get her back to our camp site," said Izzy. "She looks pretty bad, health-wise." "Good idea," said Tai. "Wow! Look at her clothes! What is that, that dress thingy? It kind of looks like one of those robes you wear for celebrations and ceremonies and stuff. I wonder where she got that? It's just what I need to get out of this dress. Hers is much nicer," said Mimi. "Oh, I hope they come in different colours!" "Oh, Mimi. Let's get this girl back to the camp site first, okay?" said Palmon. "What? Oh, right. Hey, she's got a crest! And it's so pretty too, it has a whole bunch of different colours. And it's a rainbow! Wow! She's so lucky!" "Mimi, come on! We've got to -" Tai paused. "What did you say? She's got a crest?" "You're right Mimi! Now, let's see," said Izzy, opening up his laptop. After typing a couple of things into his computer, he said, "It says here that that crest is the crest of belief." "Belief? Cool," said Matt. "Much more original than my crest of friendship." "Friends are important Matt," Gabumon said. "And you are a very special friend to me." Matt smiled. "And you're a special friend to me too." "Aw, what a cute couple of friends they make!" said Mimi. "But you and I make an even better couple of friends Mimi!" said Palmon. "Right?' "Right!" "You're my special friend, Tai," said Agumon. "Uh huh, yeah, that's great Agumon. You're my special friend too," said Tai. "Now, COME ON! LET'S GO! You guys talk way too much."
"Sora? Sora, wake up!" cried Biyomon. "What is it?" asked Sora. "The others are gone!" said Joe worriedly. I searched everywhere but they're not here!" "Maybe they went to look for something," suggested Gomamon. "How do you know that? Everyone's missing!" said Joe. "Well, T.K. and Kari are still here," said Biyomon. "But the others are gone." "What should we do?" said Sora. "We've got to find them!" T.K. and Kari woke up and walked over. "Sora, where's Matt?" asked T.K. "Look T.K., Matt and everyone else are over there!" said Patamon. "And they have someone with them!" "Hey you guys! Sorry we didn't leave a message or something," said Tai, panting from exhaustion. "It's just that my digivice started beeping, so we followed it and we found this girl...boy, she's really heavy." "Maybe you're just not strong enough. She doesn't seem that heavy to me," said Matt. "Then why didn't you just hold her by yourself?" said Tai, starting to get angry. "Because you asked for help!" said Matt. "Oh yeah," said Tai, embarrassed. "Well, anyway, she has a crest too." "A crest?" said Kari. "Yeah! It's the crest of belief!" "There's just one thing I don't understand," said Izzy. "She has a crest, but why doesn't she have a Digimon? What point is there in having a crest if you don't have digimon to use it for?" "You're right! Hmm, that's a tough one," said Tai. "Anyway, let's start a fire to keep her warm. Maybe she'll wake up." "And then I can ask her where she got that dress. Or robe thing. Or dress. Well, whatever it is!" Mimi smiled happily. After they got the fire going, they Sora and Tai began to fish. "We've been here forever and we haven't caught anything! What are we going to eat?" "Be patient Tai," Sora replied. "We'll catch something." Over by the girl, Matt added some branches to the small fire. "You think she's okay?" "I'm sure she will be," said Gabumon. "I hope she wakes up soon," said Mimi. "I really need to ask her about-" "We know, we know." Matt sat up and looked over at Joe. "What do we do now? Wait here?" "I don't know. I guess so." Beside the group, inside a tent, Izzy typed continually into his laptop. "Aren't you a little bored, Izzy?" asked Tentomon. "Not at all!" "What have you found out anyway? Anything significant?" "No, not yet. But I've been thinking about what Myotismon said about 'The Dark Masters'. He said something about us not knowing them yet, meaning we will know them eventually.," said Izzy. "And that would mean that they're part of our future. Hey, do you think that that other Myotismon who saved Myotismon could possibly be from the future coming back to stop us from destroying him? Prodigious!" "That's great, Izzy. Why don't we go tell the others what you've found out?" Tentomon suggested. "You guys! You guys!" Izzy cried as he ran out from inside the tent. "I've discovered something about Myotismon!" "Myotismon?" the girl said weakly. "She's awake!" said Matt. Mimi squealed with delight. "Hi! My name's Mimi and I was wondering where you got that dress. I mean, robe. I mean, dress. Well, whatever you're wearing!" she cried in front of the girl's face. Matt pushed Mimi away. "Don't scare her!" He leaned over the girl. "Hi. I'm Matt. Are you okay?" "I must be dreaming," said the girl. "There's a really cute guy standing in front of my face." With that, she fell asleep. "Oh, I think she likes you Matt!" said Tai as he and Sora came over to the circle around the girl. "She thinks your hot stuff!" "Knock it off man!" Matt said, turning slightly red. "Just be glad she's okay." "Can I please tell you what I found out?" asked Izzy. "Izzy, there's something wrong with your computer," Tentomon said as he stared at the screen. "Everything's changing." "What? Let me see that," said Izzy, taking the laptop in his lap. "What is this? Wha- Prodigious! You guys! I've figured it out! I know what Myotismon did!"
To Be Continued…
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