I Will Miss You
Author: Cass
E-mail: jnw52287@aol.com
Legal Crud:I don't own Digimon (D'oh!Too bad I almost had it!) This is
around when all the Digidestined are congratulating T.K. on his way home from
being captured by Puppetmon.
My little brother,
How I will miss you.
I know this is the best though.
Both for me and you.
So know I leave you,
With all your other friends.
I know that I will miss you,
'Till the very end.
I know it will be hard though.
To not see your smile every passing day,
But I know now,
As I leave you,
That I made the right choice.
I know I will hate myself,
One day in the future,
For doing this to you.
But until that day arrives,
I feel that this is right.
But now that I take that final step,
That step that will seperate me and you,
I know little brother,
I will miss you.
I hope you know that,
Even though we may be miles and miles apart,
I hope you know, Takeru,
I love and will miss you.
Authors note: I just thought this up one day when I was grounded and
just about nothing to do.Unless you count counting the little dots on a
basketball. No but for real. I have never done a poem about Digimon so I
to do it one night. Hope ya liked it! Peace~Love~Happiness~And Cherry
Cokes for