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Author: "Gomamon2000"
Email: rangerrick98@juno.com (please be kind when writing)

Digimon: DigiMaster

Episode Fourteen: Dark Digivolutions
LAST TIME: Tentomon: "We caught up with Sora and the others after getting the stolen digivices back. They told us about their battle with Skullgreymon, and how Biyomon warp-digivolved. While we were packing up for our trip to Italy to get the wind key, evil versions of me and the other digimon showed up and started attacking. We were able to drive them off, but I bet we'll see them again."
The DigiDestined had been traveling for two weeks since the first attack by what they were now calling the "dark digimon." Since that first attack, they hadn't been attacked by them or any other digimon, and their curiosity was starting to get the better of them.

"I don't get it," said Matt. "Why would they attack us and then do nothing for weeks? It doesn't make sense."

"There are several possibilities," answered Kevin, "but I think the most likely explanation is that they're training for our next encounter with them."

"That seems like a logical scenario," agreed Izzy.

"Geez, those two sound exactly alike," said Mimi. "Why do they have to use such big words when they talk?"

"I don't know," answered Joe. "I think it has something to do with how much time they spend in front of a computer."

"I'm with you, Joe," said Gomamon. "I betcha those things warp their brains or something."

Completely missing this whole conversation, Sora was walking along silently, thinking to herself. *Why is it every time I try to tell Tai I like him something weird happens? I mean, the first time Sharkmon attacked before I could say anything, and then he had to go off after his digivice, and THEN the dark Agumon attacked us.*

"You okay, Sora?" asked Biyomon, who noticed her friend's silence.

"Oh, I guess so," Sora responded. She dropped her voice to a whisper so no one else could hear. "It's just this whole thing with Tai. I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever get a chance to tell him how I feel."

Biyomon nodded her understanding. Sora had told Biyomon about this during their trip across the Atlantic Ocean. "Well, maybe you should tell him now. I mean, nothing's going on right now."

"Look out!" shouted Tai.

Sora looked up and saw the dark digimon charging towards them. "You were saying?" she asked Biyomon. That's all she had time to say, because after that the dark digimon were there, attacking. The good digimon were doing well holding them off, though; not a single attack hit anyone. As the battle wore on, Sora started to wonder if it would ever end. At that point, though, there was a flash of light and Compumon appeared off to the side, holding the evil digivice.

The dark Agumon noticed this and said, "Time to make things interesting. Let's show them what we've got!" Compumon nodded his understanding, and his digivice began to glow a dark, eerie glow.

"dark Agumon digivolve to...TYRANNOMON!"

"Wait a second," said Tai. "That's not right, is it?"

Checking his Analyzer, Izzy said, "Actually, it is. Just like Greymon can digivolve to either Skullgreymon or Metalgreymon, Agumon can digivolve into a bunch of different digimon, some more gruesome than others."

"Oh, great. Agumon, you'd better digivolve!"

"Right! Agumon digivolve to...GREYMON!"

Tyrannomon shot a fireball at Greymon, which Greymon quickly ducked. Greymon returned fire with a Nova Blast which knocked Tyrannomon to the ground, causing him to de-digivolve. Seeing this, dark Gabumon and dark Biyomon decided to digivolve.

"dark Gabumon digivolve to...SNIMON!"
"dark Biyomon digivolve to...KUWAGAMON!"

"Whoa," said Matt. "This keeps getting weirder and weirder."

"You've got that right," agreed Sora. "I didn't know this was possible."

"Gabumon digivolve to...GARURUMON!"
"Biyomon digivolve to...BIRDRAMON!"

"Howling Blaster!" cried Garurumon, and his blast of energy threw Snimon into a nearby building, where he de-digivolved. At the same time, Birdramon's Meteor Wing was able to take care of Kuwagamon, who de-digivolved back into the dark Biyomon.

Compumon watched as the dark digimon kept losing their Champion forms after taking just one hit, and shouted "Retreat! Everyone back to the DigiWorld so I can figure out what's wrong with this thing." Compumon shook the digivice and glared at it. The dark digimon gathered around him and disappeared with him back to DigiMaster's castle.

"Phew!" said TK. "I'm glad that's over!"

"I just hope they stay away even longer this time," said Patamon.

"Me too, Patamon," agreed Kevin. "But I somehow doubt they will. Once Compumon figures out what's going on with the digivice, they'll be back."


"You idiots!" shouted DigiMaster. He was so angry that the walls were shaking from how loud he was yelling. "What happened back there?!?"

"Sir," answered Compumon shakily, "one digivice can't be used to assist more than one digimon at a time without them de-digivolving almost immediately."

"But only Agumon digivolved the first time. Why did he de-digivolve so quickly?"

"You had me set up the digivice for all eight of them."

"Aaaaagh! Fine then. Make seven more digivices and set each of them to one and only one dark digimon. Problem solved!" DigiMaster glared at Compumon, waiting for him to get to work.

Cringing, Compumon pointed out, "It will take weeks to make more digivices. With all my lab equipment destroyed when those two DigiDestined got their digivices back, I lack the materials necessary."

"You have got to be kidding me!" shouted DigiMaster, pounding his fist on the arm of his throne. When his hand moved away, Compumon noticed a dent where he'd hit it. "All right, have some Sentimon begin gathering whatever you need to make more digivices. While they're doing that, the dark digimon will continue to train." Looking around at all his minions just standing there looking at him, he shouted, "Well, get moving!"

As the frightened digimon went scurrying out of the room, DigiMaster turned to his displays and looked at the one showing the location of the DigiDestined. *You were lucky this time, DigiDestined,* he thought. *But once my dark digimon are ready and I have more digivices, you don't stand a chance!*
---End of episode fourteen---
Will the DigiDestined be able to withstand the dark digimon's next attack? Tune in to the next "Digimon: DigiMaster"!