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Author: "Gomamon2000"
Email: rangerrick98@juno.com (please be kind when writing)

Digimon: DigiMaster

Episode Twelve: The Water Key, Part Two
LAST TIME: Sora: "Kevin, Joe, Mimi, and I went to the Eiffel Tower to get the water key, but ended up having to face Skullgreymon. While we were fighting him, Tai and the others were attacked by an army of Sentimon while they looked for the two stolen digivices. Our digimon couldn't defeat Skullgreymon, and de-digivolved back to Rookie. Just when I thought all hope was lost, Biyomon warp-digivolved to her Mega form of Phoenixmon! I just hope that's enough to defeat Skullgreymon and get the water key."
"Biyomon warp-digivolve to...PHOENIXMON!"

"Wow!" said Kevin. "I didn't think I'd ever see Biyomon warp-digivolve."

"Go get 'em, Phoenixmon!" shouted Sora. "Attack Skullgreymon!"

"Right," said Phoenixmon, turning towards Skullgreymon. "Crimson Flame!" This attack struck Skullgreymon and actually knocked him to the ground.

"All right, way to go!" shouted Joe.

"Yeah, that was terrific!" agreed Mimi.

Growling in pain and anger, Skullgreymon got up and launched his missile at Phoenixmon. It hit her solidly, but didn't seem to have any effect on her. "Amazing!" commented Kevin.

"Star-Light Explosion!" yelled Phoenixmon. This attack proved too much for Skullgreymon to handle, and he disintegrated, roaring.

"We did it!" yelled Kevin, watching as Phoenixmon de-digivolved to Yokomon.

"That was great, Yokomon!" said Sora, picking her digimon up from where she landed.

"Thanks, Sora," said Yokomon quietly, and then fell fast asleep, exhausted from the battle. Being careful not to wake her, Sora led the others into the Eiffel Tower to get the water key.


"BLAST!" shouted DigiMaster, smashing his fist into the monitor where, just seconds ago, he watched Phoenixmon completely wipe out Skullgreymon. "Now those kids have two of the four keys! There must be some way to defeat them." Flipping a switch on the arm of his throne, he said, "Compumon, report!"

Compumon appeared on one of the monitors, trembling in fear. "Our analysis of the digivices is almost done, sir."

"Almost isn't good enough! Those DigiDestined have destroyed Skullgreymon and gotten to the water key. I need to know more about them before I can destroy them!"

"Yes, sir. I understand, sir. But--"

"No excuses. The next time I contact you, you'd better have some helpful information for me...or else." As Compumon rushed off to continue working, DigiMaster slapped the off switch.


Tai, Matt, Izzy, TK, Kari, and their respective digimon were hiding behind a bush nearby Compumon's temporary lab in the real world. They had gotten there just a few minutes ago and were checking the place out, finding out where all the guards were patrolling, etc.

"Are you sure our digivices are in there, Izzy?" asked Matt.

"Positive. The signal is straight ahead, inside that building."

"Well, that's great," said Tai, sarcastically. "How are we supposed to get past all those guards to get in?"

"Well," said Izzy, "if we have TK and Kari provide a distraction, Tai, Matt, and I can sneak into the lab."

"Okay!" said TK.

"Let's do it!" agreed Kari.

"Patamon digivolve to...ANGEMON!"
"Gatomon digivolve to...ANGEWOMON!"

"Hand of Fate!" "Celestial Arrow!" While Angemon and Angewomon kept the evil digimon busy, Tai, Matt, Izzy, and their digimon quickly ran inside, coming face-to-face with Compumon, who was holding the two digivices.

"Pepper Breath!" "Blue Blaster!" Agumon's attack knocked Tai's digivice out of Compumon's hand, while Gabumon knocked the other one free. Quickly scooping them up from where they had landed, they turned to Compumon.

"Agumon digivolve to...GREYMON!"
"Gabumon digivolve to...GARURUMON!"
"Tentomon digivolve to...KABUTERIMON!"

"Ah, it's great to be back," said Greymon. "Nova Blast!"

"I know what you mean, Greymon," said Garurumon. "Howling Blaster!"

"Electro Shocker!" added Kabuterimon, for good measure.

Compumon was blown backwards through the wall, and the digimon followed. "You think you have me beat, don't you?" said Compumon. "Well, the joke's on you, because I already finished my study of your little toys, and I have a little surprise for you."

Tai, Matt, and Izzy looked at each other, both confused and concerned. "What surprise is that?" challenged Tai.

"Just...this!" Compumon said, holding up a different digivice. "But that's not all. Compumon digivolve to...COMPUTERAMON!"

"Whoa!" said Izzy in shock. Recovering, he quickly accessed his Analyzer. "Computeramon is a fully digivolved digimon whose attacks can completely wipe something or someone out of existence!"

"Deresolution!" shouted Computeramon, firing a beam from his TV-like head. Garurumon jumped out of the way of the blast, but it hit a piece of lab equipment in the building behind him. Amazed, they all watched as it gradually faded out of existence without a trace.

"Greymon digivolve to...METALGREYMON!"
"Garurumon digivolve to...WEREGARURUMON!"
"Kabuterimon digivolve to...MEGAKABUTERIMON!"

"Giga Blaster!" "Wolf Claw!" "Horn Buster!" These attacks knocked the surprised Computeramon down, and he de-digivolved back to Compumon.

"Oh, no! What happened?" Compumon cried.

"You used up all your energy," said Matt. "You haven't got a chance, now."

Tai added, "Yeah, give up now or--"

And Compumon vanished.

"Huh? Where'd he go?!?"

"I'd imagine he was transported to the Digital World," said Izzy. "The DigiMaster must have some way of going back and forth without using the gate, or else he'd never be able to send reinforcements."

"Dang it, and we almost had him."

"Yeah," agreed Matt. "Well, at least we have our digivices back. Let's go find the others."


Compumon sat trembling in DigiMaster's throne room, bracing himself for DigiMaster's anger. DigiMaster walked up to him, slowly and silently, and stopped just a short distance away. Then, he said the unthinkable.

"Well done, Compumon."

Looking up in surprise, Compumon wasn't sure if he heard correctly.

"True," continued DigiMaster, "you didn't defeat those three kids and their digimon, but you did make it back here with the evil digivice." DigiMaster held up the device and grinned. "Those DigiDestined are no match for me, now!"
---End of episode twelve---
Will the DigiDestined be able to withstand this new threat? Find out on the next "Digimon: DigiMaster"!