Matt and Gabumon

Name: Yamato "Matt" Ishida
Grade: 5th
Crest: Friendship
Digimon: Tsunomon, Gabumon, Garurumon, Weregarurumon, Metalgarurumon

The rebel amongst the group, he is often seen as "too cool" by others. His sensitive and caring side comes through every now and then when he's with his younger brother T.K. He despises being told what to do, especially when it comes with listening to Taichi, but he still puts up a good attitude.

Name: Gabumon
Digivolutions and Attacks: Tsunomon (Bubble Blow), Gabumon (Blue Blaster), Garurumon (Howling Blaster), Weregarurumon ( Wolf Claw/Garuru Kick), Metalgarurumon (Metal Wolf Claw)

Gabumon is a wise and caring digimon. He is a good mentor and guide for his human partner Matt. He wears a fur coat that makes him appear dog-like at this stage of digivolution.

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