Izzy and Tentomon

Name: Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi
Grade: 4th
Crest: Knowledge
Digimon: Motimon, Tentomon, Kabuterimon, Megakabuterimon

Izzy is the genius of the group, constantly developing theories about the Digiworld and peculiar events. He uses his trusty laptop to help his problem solve and to analyze any new Digimon they come across. Because he is usually concentrating on his computer, he tends not to see the danger around him, being occupied with other things.

Name: Tentomon
Digivolutions and Attacks: Motimon (Bubble Blow), Tentomon (Super Shocker), Kabuterimon (Electro Shocker), Megakabuterimon (Horn Buster)

This insect digimon is full of information. He helps Izzy through tough times, and is the perfect companion for his computer-occupied friend. He likes to exaggerate about rumors he has heard, but sometimes it's only for the best.

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